2017 brings to us an opportunity to reflect on what we are grateful for and share what has been an important ingredient in our health and wellness regime! We asked each of our staff to share their gratitude and what has made a difference in their lives.
Julie Silver
I am grateful for many things: my good health, my family, close friends and colleagues. I am grateful to be an Acupuncturist and enjoy coming to work each day. Most importantly I am grateful to understand the importance of gratitude. Most days, I start my day with quiet time for self reflection, prayer and journaling. This includes writing down what I am grateful for! I find I have a much better day when I do this.
My perspective on health has changed over the years. My body, mind and spirit are the center of my circle with different pieces that all play a part in my wellness. This includes, diet, supplements (probiotic, fish oil, vitamin D as foundations), a healthy diet (eating breakfast each morning and eating for the season = warmth in the winter), exercise, good sleep, acupuncture, massage and chiropractic care as well as working on my outlook on life are all equally as important pieces of my puzzle!
Monica Mae Leibson
I am grateful for the new year. It is a time of intense change and unknown and creates space for a new energy to come to form that is loving and advocates for peace and justice for all. It is a time where our values as human beings are being brought out into the light, and we have the opportunity for reflection and redirection. With this, we can transform our future to align with the vision in our hearts.
With that being said, my favorite health tip is to dig deep into ourselves and bring our purpose into the light. In this time on the planet we are being called to release the things that no longer serve us and be true to our hearts. We must let go of that which society or our childhood deemed were important for us, and find our true purpose and passion in this lifetime. May you enjoy the journey!
Julie Shindler-Cohen
I try to practice gratitude every day for many things. If I had to choose only one thing that I am most grateful for, it would be good health! I have had “glimpses” of having a lack of good health—illnesses of my own, watching others with illnesses—and it makes me appreciate my own good health. It might seem obvious but pain or chronic illness severely affects the quality of life, including the ability to experience and enjoy basic daily events. I try to enjoy every day, whether it be filled with running errands or spending time with my family, and being well allows me to do so!
One of my favorite health tips is Elderberry syrup!! I have a huge phobia of getting sick—I never want to be kept down! In addition to regular dietary and lifestyle habits to stay healthy, I take elderberry syrup prophylactically or at the early stages of a cold. It is used to boost the immune system and has anti-bacterial qualities. I’ve come across some recipes to make your own elderberry syrup at home but I have found that buying a pre-made syrup is easy and just as effective!
Karen Siegel Propis
When I consider all that I am grateful for I find it difficult to come up with one specific thing. This past year I experienced the highest of the highs with my son’s wedding and the lowest of the lows with the passing of my mother. Two months later, I started working at Michigan Associates in Acupuncture and integrative Medicine. I’m grateful to have a wonderful husband and kids and to have friends that are real true blues. I’m grateful for the good fortune to be a part of a supportive community and I am grateful to have the opportunity to use my education and training to work in a wonderful clinic.
My favorite health tip for the new year ties into what I am most grateful for in my life. I find the more I focus on the good, the positive in my life, the more content I am.. My recommendations to accomplish this are two fold: practice gratitude and develop reframing skills. Practicing gratitude means focusing on the good and making frequent notes on the blessings in your life. Reframing is taking situations that may seem negative or bad and turning them into learning or growth opportunities. With the reframing lens, you work to understand how you can grow from your experience. Your focus becomes on the learning opportunity rather than focusing on the “woe is me.” When you feel more in balance emotionally, you have the physical energy to take better care of yourself in other ways.
Jennifer Pillow-White
I am most grateful for peace and calm in my family. We have had a hectic and stressful year. We bought and sold our home, my children started preschool, my husband is studying for his MBA and my practice has grown. Life is crazy. We do not have much time at home together. Now that our houses are settled, our children are comfortable in school and my husband and I are hitting our strides in college and work, we have to remind ourselves to breathe. Sit back and breathe. Sit back, breathe…TOGETHER. Enjoy your time together. You never get this second back. Happy holidays! Much love and peace!
My favorite health tip is Sleep! Something so simple, yet often overlooked. In our busy lives and packed agendas, sleep is limited. The national average of sleep is 5 hours. Five hours!! Seven to eight hours are recommended. Therefore, we are often functioning in a sleep debt. Unfortunately, we commonly try to “makeup” sleep. It does not work that way. Our bodies heal, reorganize, create more brain connections during sleep. Stress responses reduce with sleep, such as blood pressure, blood glucose levels and gut balance. As a mother of young twins, I know first hand the importance of sleep. So, for Christmas, I asked Santa for a nap!
Nancy Bloom
I am most grateful for my two adult sons. Seeing them happy in their lives and accomplishing their dreams is all a mother can ask for. For that I am very proud. Things come in waves throughout our lives. Right now my boys have some exciting things to look forward to that make my heart smile. One of my son’s has a new job and is recently engaged. My other son just had a baby girl named Ruby and I am a grandmother! Life is good!
My favorite health tip during the winter month is to keep my immunity boosted and avoid getting sick. I take a Multi Vitamin, extra Vitamin D, fish oil and a probiotic. I also drink Emergen-C daily as an added boost.
This combination has given me great healthy results.
Jan Ward
Honestly, I am most grateful for the set-backs that have formed me and have made me stronger. They have given me the gift of being very appreciative of my life, family, friends, my own body and taking care of it”.
That said, My favorite health tip is simple: “Your Dr. can help keep you in good health – but the responsibility ultimately falls on you”
Lauren Stovall
I am most grateful to have my family still alive and well with me. It’s something that I may have taken for granted when I was younger however the older I get I become more thankful and grateful for that blessing. Also I am grateful for my sound mind.
My health tip is To find and explore what creates peace in your life. Our health is more than just physical . There is a psychological part as well. It is healthy to develop peace and serenity in our lives and tap into that when we are feeling overloaded or overwhelmed.
What a delightful surprise, I thought I was opening a reminder for my next appointment. Each one of you have touched me in sharing your wisdom, life stories, health regiment and most of all your gratefulness. In a time of change (which is everyday) you remind me to think, feel, reflect and WRITE what I am grateful for. You came into my life while searching for a healthier life, both physically and mentally. I will reflect, an be little more aware of all the the goodness that surrounds me, that meets me each day. This is not hard. It is important to recognize the difficult times and trials I go thru but not to dwell on them. Thank you for taking the time to share and helping me to remember all the goodness there is and that I too can share my goodness. Wealth comes in caring and that you do well!
Jan Ward, you said it so beautifully. Thank you for being grateful for set-backs. The beautiful side of the uglies is further appreciated when we are grateful for all things that come our way. The adversities may be some of our greatest gifts given to us to grow us up and develop good character within us. Thank you again!