One of our patients wrote a blog about their own infertility journey. She poignantly shared her experience and hope to be of help and service to others and to educate those who may not have had experience with infertility. It is March 13, 2023, about 10 days from when our due date was scheduled. … [Read more...] about Infertility – A Behind The Scenes Look At One Woman’s Journey to Pregnancy
Thanksgiving In April
As we prepare for Spring, we tend towards a feeling of gratitude for the warmer weather, longer days and, of course, sunshine! This is why Spring should be dubbed the “Thanksgiving of April”. (If we have Christmas in July, then we can have Thanksgiving in April, right?) The world focuses on … [Read more...] about Thanksgiving In April
Acupuncture For Difficult Times
Wow. These days, life is hectic and filled with fear, anxiety and grief for so many of us. Just as we were coming back to life from the pandemic, the world seems to have exploded and we find ourselves connected to the news and reading heartbreaking stories nonstop. This practice has a detrimental … [Read more...] about Acupuncture For Difficult Times
New Year’s Resolution Reboot
It’s hard to believe we are once again heading into the holiday season and looking forward to the start of a new year! Do you feel anticipation or resignation? Are you hopeful or concerned? It is certainly understandable if you’re not sure. When the world around us feels chaotic and unsettled, the … [Read more...] about New Year’s Resolution Reboot
Finding Balance When the World Seems Out of Balance.
For each new year, we often set health-related goals. We want to eat better, exercise more, balance our lives, and try to behave in a kinder way in our world. When we strive for balance, we don’t often think about balancing our physical health and our emotional health. We tend to focus on the … [Read more...] about Finding Balance When the World Seems Out of Balance.
Emotional Release Sessions – Getting support moving through stuck emotions
Emotional Release Sessions With Monica Mae Leibson, L. Ac. Over the 16 years I’ve been in clinical practice, I’ve seen people for a variety of physical medicine issues. The initial intake includes a lengthy review of medical history and at the end, I always check in with how people are … [Read more...] about Emotional Release Sessions – Getting support moving through stuck emotions