Why Hire a Doula?
For a Better Birth Experience!
– By Liza Barnes, Health Educator
Educating yourself about childbirth so you’re able to make informed decisions is a great way to increase your chances for a smooth labor. But you can’t possibly learn everything you might need to know. That’s where a doula comes in. A doula is a trained labor support person who provides emotional, physical, and informational support during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. She (they’re usually women) absolutely doesn’t replace medical caregivers or your birth partner, but rather complements them. There are many ways a doula can assist you, such as:
- helping you prepare your birth plan
- providing suggestions and exercises to help you have a more comfortable pregnancy
- explaining medical procedures
- providing emotional support
- suggesting and providing non-pharmacological pain relief techniques (massage, heat therapy, positioning)
- assisting with breastfeeding
- providing partner support
- working as an advocate so your birth plan is carried out
This list is just an example of some of the many services a doula may provide. Some fathers worry that a doula will take over their roles in the birth process. Being a birth partner is challenging work, and most fathers feel a sense of relief and enjoy the birth experience more when a doula is present. Many women state that they couldn’t have given birth without their doula, but doulas aren’t just for first-time moms. Many women hire a doula for second and third babies and beyond. If you weren’t happy with a previous birth experience, a doula could improve the outcome of the next one. In fact, research shows that doulas do improve birth outcomes.
Women supported by a doula during labor have been shown to have1:
- 50% reduction in Cesarean rate
- 25% shorter labor
- 60% reduction in epidural requests
- 40% reduction in Pitocin use
- 30% reduction in analgesic use
- 30% reduction in forceps delivery
Six weeks after birth, mothers who had doulas experienced1:
- Less anxiety and depression
- More confidence with the baby
- More satisfaction with their partner
Long-term benefits of using a doula1:
- Improved breastfeeding
- Increased time spent with baby
- More positive maternal assessments of baby’s personality and health, and maternal competence
- Decreased postpartum depression
Monica Mae Leibson ~ Acupuncturist & Birth/Postpartum Doula
Birth Doula Philosophy
The birth of a child is an opportunity for a unique & transformative experience. I am honored to share this occasion with new families and support them in their transition to parenthood. I am passionate about educating people regarding their choices for birth. As we all know, “it takes a village”, and I am connected to many healthcare practitioners to support your process. During birth, I feel that my biggest asset is providing pain relief with acupuncture. There are many other benefits of using acupuncture during labor (see below). I also provide emotional support & reassurance. I consider myself an advocate for your birth experience and can support you in communicating your desires to others. I support partners by role modeling and encouragement. I utilize many comfort measures such as acupuncture, positioning, massage, breathing, and relaxation. I have also trained as a post-partum doula and support families in navigating the care of their newborn. I recommend one meeting at least 2 months prior to your birth, completing the “pre-birth acupuncture protocol”, and one postpartum visit.
Acupuncture can help during labor in the following ways:
- Reduces pain of contractions, releases endorphins, encourages relaxation
- Ripens/dilates the cervix
- Promotes effective uterine contractions if labor is not progressing optimally
- Turns breech/posterior babies
- Relieves a cervical lip
- Reduces postpartum hemorrhage
Benefits of a Continuous Doula
A 2003 study describing the experiences of nearly 13,000 women has found that women who receive supportive care from a companion (non-hospital and non-partner) throughout labor are more likely than women without such care to avoid cesarean birth & other major medical interventions, and to be satisfied with their birth experience. These women were:
- 28% less likely to use any analgesia or anesthesia
- 41% less likely to give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
- 26% less likely to give birth by cesarean
- 33% less likely to be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their birth experience
Acupuncture during pregnancy
Research has shown that acupuncture is effective at reducing pelvic pain during pregnancy, reducing morning sickness, and effectively turning a breech baby. The “pre-birth protocol” (once weekly starting at week 36) has been shown to decrease medical intervention. In women who received pre-birth acupuncture there was:
- An overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions (for women having their 1st baby there was a 43% reduction)
- A 31% reduction in the epidural rate
- 32% reduction in cesarean delivery, 9% increase in vaginal births
- Turn breech/posterior babies between 32 and 36 weeks
- Shorter labors (research showed that the mean duration of labor in a group of women giving birth for the first time was reduced by 1 hour and 26 minutes.)
- Natural Inductions – Acupuncture can stimulate labor for a woman who is past her due date. It takes 3-60 hours after acupuncture to initiate contractions and atleast 2 treatments are recommended.
My most favorite part of your blog is when you said that a doula can help to make sure that your birth plan is going to be carried out. I’m on my 6th month in pregnancy, and I have a long list of birth wishes. I waited for this pregnancy for so long, so it’s important for me to make sure that all my birth plans are going to be considered. Thanks for sharing this.