Focus the mind to reduce anxiety
Use this practice to focus the mind on what we desire, rather than letting anxiety and fear get the best of us.
Step 1: Release the past. If our mind is cluttered with memories of yesterday or anxiety regarding tomorrow, we cannot truly create from a blank slate.
Breathing in, I allow myself to come into this present moment. I choose to consciously release the past at this moment. I internally declare that the past has no power over me and I release and let go. (Deep sigh of relief.)
Step 2: Create an intention. With an intention, you begin by stating your desire. Be sure to use juicy adjectives like loving, nurturing and fully self-expressed. You want your intention to feel like it really resonates with why you desire to have a child.
The flow of the intention can go something like this…
- I would love the opportunity to be a loving mother to a healthy child.
- My intention at this time is be a nurturing mother in a beautiful family with a child.
- Who I am is the possibility of peace, love and joy.
- I am a stand for loving families on our planet.
Step 3: Release and let go. Oftentimes this is the hardest part. But just practice it and see how your heart opens. You can speak your intention with love and gracefully follow it with a releasing meditation.
“I have shared my intention with the universe and know that it has been received. With that knowing, I release and let go. I release the attachment of my intention and choose to stay focused on who I am being, rather than what I am asking for.”
“I choose to have faith in this life. I know it is not always easy but regardless of the outcome, I choose to have faith in my journey.”
Step 4: Rinse and repeat. I recommend writing down the intention you’ve created and include the releasing meditation. Carry it around with you in your wallet and/or put it on the mirror in your bathroom. The honest truth is that you might need to say it a lot of times each day. Worry and anxiety can be so familiar to our brains that it becomes our automatic thought process. This will truly be a lesson in consciously creating your thoughts. Enjoy!
Hi Monica,
You posted such a wonderful and heartfelt intention for fertility. I know someone who has been trying to get pregnant for some time. When I read your post I thought I’d really like to connect the two of you. I think you could be helpful to her. Let me know the best way for her to contact you.
Hi Peggy – so sorry for the delay!! We just saw your post!
Please feel free to give your friend our phone number – 248-737-7126 and Monica would be happy to talk with her further!
Thank you and, again , our apologies!